
why build a website?


types of websites

  1. project website
    • 1.1 short/simple project website e.g. https://khofstadter.com/sonic-art

    • 1.2 complex/longer project website e.g

  1. portfolio website
    • can feature multiple projects/themes
    • a bit like a CV e.g.
      https://khofstadter.com/ and https://storylabresearch.com/

website builders

There are two main types:

  1. static site generators (SSG) e.g. Jekyll which is used with GitHub Pages when turning Markdown files into a website
  2. web content management systems (WCMS) e.g. Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace and other website builders with which it is easier to create more dynamic websites
    • SSGs are usually free while WCMSs often have a monthly subscription fee
    • both types have free and paid themes e.g. here and here
    • both types can use plugins to do a specific function. SSG plugins e.g. Jekyll plugins are usually free, while plugins for WCMSs can vary e.g. while many of them are free, some can be expensive
    • there are many more plugins for WCMSs than for SSGs (because more people use WCMSs than SSGs)
    • SSGs, in general, need more textual programming skills while WCMSs, in general, are more visual and therefore need less textual programming skills

textual vs visual programming examples

SuperCollider (audio):

Max (audio):

WordPress backend (WCMS):

WordPress frontend (WCMS):

some free WCMSs

Wordpress.com vs WordPress.org

custom domain

my tedor.info to khofstadter.com

Using the Wayback Machine on archive.org:

Brief WordPress demo

GitHub Pages


more resources